
  • 中国名牌
    China Top Brand
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    State-certificated Enterprise Technology Center
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    Top 30 Competitive Brands of China`s Private Enterprises
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    100 China`s 500 Most Valuable Brands
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    Top 10 China 100 Feed Production Enterprises
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    Top 10 Outstanding Enterprises of First National Independent Innovation
  • 四川省首家销售收入突破100亿的上市公司
    First Listed Enterprise of Sichuan Province Exceeding 10 Billion Sales Income
  • 全球新能源企业500强最具贡献企业
    Top 500 Most Contributed Enterprise to the Global New Energy
  • 四川省优秀民营企业
    Outstanding Private Enterprises In Sichuan Province
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    China`s Key Leading Enterprise in Agriculture Industrialization
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    Top 500 Chinese Enterprises
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    Top 100 Chinese Private Listed Companies
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    China`s Largest 500 Enterprise Groups
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    Top 500 China Informatization Enterprises
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    China AAA Credit Certificated Enterprises
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    The Most Competitive Enterprises of China Feed Industry
  • 第二届中国质量奖提名奖
    2nd China Quality Award Nomination
  • 2019《财富》中国500强
    Fortune 2019 China`s Top 500

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